Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyer

After an injury, your main focus should be healing, because serious injuries not only disrupt your life, they can completely change your life. The emotional, financial, and professional stress that a serious injury can cause is devastating. Speak with a Fort Myers personal injury lawyer that will fight for you. Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers have helped over 30,000 clients earn more than $1 Billion.

Our Fort Myers personal injury lawyers can help you claim benefits, negotiate a settlement, or take those responsible for your injury to court. We understand that dealing with a sudden injury can be complicated, and taking action urgently can be overwhelming for you; at the same time, and that’s why we are here to help you with your concerns. Visit our offices or call us. 9160 Forum Corporate Pky, Suite 350, Fort Myers, FL 33905, (239) 747-7473.

Steinger, Greene & Feiner legal professionals put your welfare first and work hard every day to get you the compensation you deserve. Our Fort Myers personal injury lawyers have years of experience and won’t stop until you get what you’re entitled to. Our lawyers are compassionate people who can be a source of support and advice for you and your family during a difficult time. We build relationships based on respect, trust, clear communication, and accessibility.

Our clients are more than cases for us; they are people we care about. We want the best for you, and we will work tirelessly to get the best possible results. So if you’ve been injured, don’t put it off – call us now to get a free consultation.

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Why Do People Choose Us?

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Putting your trust in Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyer will bring you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your health. At the same time, we handle the other important matters for you. You can be confident that with the cooperation of our lawyers, you will recover the compensation you are legally qualified for your injuries and illnesses.

Thousands of clients have trusted us to advocate on their behalf, to the best of our abilities, in every injury case. We have a verified track record of representing our clients effectively. We deal with different cases thoroughly. With our years of experience in personal injury law, we can assist you in dealing with these incidents and pursue the compensation you deserve for your loss. Our reputation as experienced, dedicated lawyers on behalf of our clients is well-established.

If you ever had an insurance claim denied, you know very well that issues regarding coverage and compensation can sometimes be highly controversial and complicated. However, we have the knowledge and experience you need to negotiate with insurance companies for compensation. We are well-versed in all types of insurance claims. Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyers take care of all aspects of an insurance claim. We make sure your case gets the recognition it deserves, and we put ahead of the strongest case for your insurance claim. Our lawyers regard being responsive to our client’s concerns and acting upon them promptly as its priority.

As leading injury lawyers in Fort Myers, we have built our reputation for client service by being available and accessible to our clients. In addition, our responsiveness in the legal sphere allows us to adapt and shift our strategies as circumstances change and be proactive by anticipating the unfolding of the litigation process.

Our law office is situated at 9160 Forum Corporate Pky, Suite 350, Fort Myers, FL 33905. You can call us 24/7 whenever you’re comfortable discussing your matter on the number (800) 560-5059. In addition, we offer a consultation, so what are you waiting for now? Contact us today and get your problem solved within days.

Why Should You Hire a Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyer?

Steinger, Greene & Feiner Fort Myers offices

Being involved in an accident ending in a severe personal injury can be one of the most traumatic and debilitating experiences, both physically and emotionally. In addition, there are harsh legal deadlines to file claims to complicate matters, leaving the injured at risk of incurring thousands of dollars for medical and rehabilitation fees and lost wages. Therefore, it is imperative to seek immediate legal assistance from a driven, passionate personal injury lawyer adorned with an extensive list of relevant skills and a track record of successfully winning cases.

When an accident happens, those involved are often injured or affected directly or indirectly. Whether it is a motor vehicle, car, truck, or bicycle collision or losing a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, the steps taken to recover and try to become whole again can be exhausting. You may also deal with emotional trauma, medical bills, and insurance claims. Therefore, you want to make sure that you can be put in your position before the incident happens. It is, therefore, essential to have a personal injury lawyer by your side to help assist you in this process.

Personal injury lawyers are entirely dedicated to personal injury law. Often, there are many lawyers in Fort Myers but choosing a lawyer specializing in personal injury law is very important. Personal injury lawyers are specialized in helping their clients who are hurt by someone else negligence. While personal injury law has many elements, a lawyer who focuses solely on personal injury law is more likely to be very experienced than a lawyer who works with clients on various cases.

Your recovery is always our top priority; If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer, it’s likely because you’ve been injured by any means of accident. You will be dealing with doctor’s visits and medical bills to help return to your previous self. Because of this, you will probably be too busy to catch the guys responsible for it to the court. Furthermore, settling a claim can be a time-consuming and challenging work process. But if you have a lawyer from our side, you will be free from all these worries.

We will work tirelessly to ensure that accident victims are financially compensated. While you’re recovering, our injury lawyer will investigate, advocate, and deal with all the essential matters that require you to get your compensation. He will also handle the insurance policies if you haven’t received them yet. Insurance is complex and confusing, and it’s not easy for everyone to understand it if you don’t know anything about this field. Although everyone has insurance nowadays, not everyone understands it completely. Even experienced lawyers don’t understand it sometimes.

Hiring a lawyer from Steinger, Greene & Feiner will ensure that you receive a high level of guidance through the insurance claim process. Further, insurance companies are multi-million-dollar businesses that will often try to settle a claim for less than it is worth. Therefore, it is vital to have an experienced personal injury lawyer defending your rights and ensuring your path to insurance.

Client Testimonials

9160 Forum Corporate Parkway #350, Fort Myers

4.7 67 reviews

  • Avatar Tommy Germosen Jr ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    Steinger, Greene helped me with my surgery 100% payout for. Plus 3 months of physical therapy on top of that was able to receive a nice payout. Very trustworthy and would recommend anyone who was hurt in an auto accident. As Steinger Green … More reach their absolute best to get the most amount of funds possible for your pocket. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you Jonathan Sampas, for the checkups on my recovery process wish you the best!
  • Avatar Ronald Adamcik ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    My experience with the firm was professional, pleasant, efficient and went above & beyond to communicate with me. Other firms would have given up on me long ago. I appreciate everyone's hard work on my case & obtaining resolution … More in a timely manner. I highly recommend Steinger, Greene & Feiner to anyone undecided or unsure where to go or whom to choose for representation. Signed by another grateful & satisfied client, yours truly, Ronald A.
  • Avatar eleticia ayala ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    Gavin Vargas was an excellent attorney whom represented my case. Knowledgeable, persistent and informative...Great job Gavin!

Cases We Handle

Motorcycle Accidents:

If you have ever experienced a motorcycle collision, you know how traumatizing and terrifying it can be. However, suppose you are a victim of a motorcycle accident injury caused by impaired driving or negligence in Fort Myers.

In that case, you need experienced legal representation to protect your rights—our injury lawyers are experienced in representing victims of motorcycle accidents and extreme sports injury cases.

These kinds of accidents often result in more severe injuries than any other motor vehicle accident. In addition, motorcycle accidents can result in severe physical damage such as spinal cord injuries and brain injuries, leading to costly medical bills and lost income. Suppose you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident. In that case, hire our legal personal injury lawyers to protect your rights to accident benefits.

Car Accidents:

Suppose you have been injured in a car accident or other motor vehicle collision. In that case, you are likely to face many short-term and long-term legal, medical, and financial issues as a result. In addition, being involved in this sudden, traumatic accident can leave you emotionally vulnerable. You may be worried about long-term disabilities or even supporting your family while you cannot work.

Our personal injury lawyers will work alongside you to offer step-by-step guidance and ensure you receive maximum compensation for the damages caused. In addition, we can provide you with the information necessary to understand your legal rights and protect your interests on a free consultation call.

Pedestrians Accidents:

Pedestrians are amongst the most unsafe accident victims, enduring dangerous crosswalks and distracted drivers without any protection. While some pedestrian accidents may result in short-term damage, other more severe incidents may lead to permanent disability or even fatal injury. Were you injured in an accident? Our injury lawyers will help you receive accident benefits immediately after your accident.

Bicycle Accident:

Cycling is becoming common in Fort Myers. Unfortunately, hundreds of bicycle accidents are reported each year, as cyclists face high traffic volume and dangers unique to them on the road. These dangers include collision with motor vehicles, exposure to the elements, poor road conditions, and the risk of clashing with an open car door.

Suppose you are involved in an accident with another vehicle. In that case, you are probably eligible to receive accident benefits, regardless of your insurance. Speak to our personal injury lawyer immediately.

Boating Accidents:

Impaired boating can be just as vulnerable as impaired or negligent driving on the road. Moreover, boating accidents can have drastic consequences, resulting in tragic outcomes such as serious injuries, emotional trauma, or even death by drowning. If you have experienced a boating accident due to a boat driver who is drunk, distracted, or reckless. In that case, you are eligible for compensation for your injuries. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today immediately and determine how much compensation you may be owed.

Slip and Fall Accidents:

Slip and fall accidents are very common; however, some accidents may cause serious injuries. They can happen at any time of the day or year. For example, you can slip on a spilled drink at a restaurant or a loose step when walking through an office door.

But when the accident happens on someone else’s property and leaves you with severe injuries, you should be compensated by the owner, who should have warned about the dangerous situation by a signboard or fixed the problem. Our lawyers can help you conclude who is in liability for your slip and fall accident and what compensation you can get.

Other Cases:

What’s My Personal Injury Case Worth?

The compensation you’ll receive for your accidents depends on many things, such as your injuries, medical bills, and the accident. We have helped hundreds of clients recover up to millions of dollars which they deserved.

Compensation can help you in many means; it can lower the burden of medical bills and doctor visits you’ll have to face due to the injuries. In addition, it can help you support your family in this challenging time when your body doesn’t allow you to work. The benefits of compensation are endless; it can’t take you back on time before the accident, but it can help you become what you were before the accident. Call us today to discuss your case and get a free consultation on how much compensation you can get for your accident.

There are three types of loss you’ll face after an accident:

  • General loss– non-monetary damages such as anxiety, pain, and emotional distress.
  • Special loss– monetary losses such as medical fees, loss of wages, and care expenses.
  • Future loss – to cover future medical expenses, rehabilitation, and core loss of earnings.

Get in Touch with A Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Myers

Our injury lawyers will help you recover from these losses. You need to discuss every detail of your accident and injury with your lawyer and consider any circumstances that could arise in the future to make sure all possible heads of loss are taken into consideration. You can contact us today and get a free consultation on your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

According to Florida’s car accident laws, you have four years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit, in most cases. This is known as the statute of limitations. Every Florida driver is required to carry personal injury protection insurance (PIP), which covers a percentage of your medical bills, lost income, and other out-of-pocket expenses after the accident. You may receive benefits from PIP regardless of who was at fault for the accident, but you may be eligible to also file a third-party insurance claim or lawsuit for expenses not covered by your PIP.

If you were partially at-fault for the accident, you may not be entitled to full compensation for your expenses because of Florida’s full comparative negligence fault rule. This rule states that the plaintiff’s compensation amount will be reduced by a percentage that equals their share of fault for the accident.

No lawyer can tell you exactly how much you will receive for your car accident injuries, but they can help you estimate the amount you can seek in your lawsuit. The amount of damages awarded to car accident victims may include past and future medical bills, past and future lost wages, car repair costs, and other expenses related to your injuries and property damage. The amount may also include a monetary value for any pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment in life you experienced.

For personal injury cases like car accidents, you pay no fees upfront to your lawyer. In fact, you only pay us if we get money for you through your settlement or jury-award through the courts.

Our car accident lawyers are dedicated to helping you recover every dollar you're entitled to, and we use our intimate knowledge of Fort Myers' courts to help win your case. Call us any time at 1-800-560-5059 for your free, no-obligation consultation with our team today.