Houston Car Accident Lawyer

If you were recently involved in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The only way to find out is to contact a trusted Houston car accident lawyer like Steinger, Greene & Feiner.

As Houston’s most reliable car accident lawyer, Steinger, Greene & Feiner has what it takes to secure the justice and compensation you deserve. Our attorneys have recovered more than $2 billion dollars for car accident victims over the years. Contact us today to get the case results you want when you want them.

Getting in a car accident, no matter how minor, is a stressful experience. It’s easy to forget what steps to take because you’re so shaken up from what occurred. That’s why knowing what to do ahead of time is essential to ensure you cover all your bases.

One step you should take early on in the process is to contact a Houston personal injury lawyer that specializes in car accident cases. Personal injury cases are complex, but our lawyers know how to navigate them from beginning to end. Here are some of the services we’ll provide when handling your case:

  • Gather evidence: We take the time to know your case inside out. This process includes gathering evidence like medical records, vehicle repairs, and the official police report.
  • Determine liability: Our primary goal is to prove your innocence and secure compensation for your injuries and damages from the at-fault party.
  • Handle negotiations: Our team negotiates with the at-fault driver’s attorney so you don’t have to. If you choose to forego litigation, we’ll handle the settlement process. We’ll also negotiate with your insurance company during the claims process.
  • Provide legal representation: If you choose to pursue litigation, we’ll represent you in any court proceedings. We will also represent you if you sue the at-fault party for damages not covered by their insurance policy.

When it comes to seeking legal aid after a car accident, time is money. The sooner you consult a Houston car accident lawyer, the sooner you will receive compensation for your accident-related injuries and property damage.

Seeking immediate help also ensures you abide by the statute of limitations, which defines the amount of time you have from the date of your accident to file a claim. Once the statute of limitations expires, you can’t file a claim for the accident. Texas’ statute of limitations for civil cases—which encompasses personal injury, property damage, and wrongful death—is two years.

A Step-By-Step Guide: What to Do After a Car Accident

Even if you’re involved in a minor car accident, you should follow the steps outlined below to ensure your safety and support your case in any future settlement negotiations or litigation.

  1. Check for injuries: Even minor car accidents can cause injuries to the drivers and passengers involved. Before doing anything else, check your body for any visible injuries—like cuts and bruises. Then, check in on the other involved parties to see if they sustained any injuries.
  1. Call emergency services: If any involved parties sustained serious injuries, call emergency services for medical assistance.
  1. Move your vehicle: If road conditions allow for it and your vehicle didn’t suffer significant damage, move it to the side of the road or into a nearby parking lot. The purpose of this step is to escape the potential dangers of oncoming traffic and move somewhere safer. If the conditions don’t allow for it, stay put until help arrives.
  1. Exchange information: Gather the personal information of the other driver(s) involved in the accident. This includes their name, phone number, license plate number, and insurance provider and policy number. Your insurance company and attorney will need these details to estimate damages and determine fault.
  1. Gather evidence: Take photos and videos of the scene. Be thorough, and retake any photos or videos that aren’t clear. Your insurance company and attorney will use this documentation to assess damages and determine fault.
  1. Call the police: The next thing you should do is call the local police to report the accident. If police officers arrive at the scene of the crash, they will gather witness statements and file an official police report detailing the events that occurred. Keep in mind, though, that police officers don’t respond to every car accident, especially minor ones. In this case, you should gather witness statements from other drivers and onlookers. You can use this information to file an accident report through the local DMV.
  1. Seek medical attention: Immediately upon leaving the crash scene, seek medical care—even if you don’t have any visible injuries. It’s possible that you sustained internal injuries that may not present themselves until days or even weeks later. Seeking medical care now will help your case later on, as medical records are required to prove any injuries were caused by the accident.
  1. Contact your insurance provider: In addition to reporting the accident to either the local police or DMV, you should also report it to your insurance company. Most insurance providers require policyholders to report any type of accident they’re involved in, whether or not they caused it. After reporting the accident, an insurance adjuster will call you to gather more information about the events that occurred. Answer their questions honestly without providing more information than what is necessary or admitting fault.

Common Injuries Resulting From Car Accidents & Their Impact

Common Injuries

  • Broken bones
  • Severe disfigurement
  • Permanent loss of use of an appendage or organ
  • Whiplash
  • Cuts, lacerations, and bruises
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Serious burns

Their Potential Impact

  1. Loss of productivity: Injuries from a car accident can lead to physical limitations, pain, and psychological distress, all of which can impair the driver’s ability to perform work-related tasks, resulting in a loss of productivity.
  1. Lack of mobility: Injuries from a car accident can cause physical impairments such as broken bones, muscle strains, or spinal cord injuries, which can restrict the injured driver’s mobility and limit their ability to move or perform daily activities.
  1. Pain and suffering: Injuries from a car accident can cause acute or chronic pain, physical discomfort, emotional distress, and psychological trauma, resulting in significant pain and suffering for the injured driver.
  1. Mental anguish: Injuries from a car accident can lead to psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions, causing significant mental anguish for the injured driver.

The Hidden Risk of Minor Car Accidents

Even low-speed collisions can cause sudden jerks or impacts that strain your muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissues, leading to sprains, strains, or whiplash injuries. Additionally, the psychological stress and trauma associated with car accidents can contribute to the development of chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That’s why seeking medical attention immediately after a car accident, regardless of its severity, is essential to ensure a timely diagnosis and the appropriate treatment of any injuries.

Our Expertise in Handling Different Types of Car Accidents

The type of car accident you’re involved in plays a key role in determining fault and achieving compensation for your injuries and property damage. At Steinger, Greene & Feiner, we have years of experience representing the following car accident case types.

  • Single Vehicle Accidents: Your vehicle is the only one involved.
  • Head-on Collisions: Two vehicles crash into each other at the front end.
  • Rear-End Accidents: One vehicle hits another vehicle from behind.
  • Rollover Accidents: A vehicle flips over and rolls across the pavement or grass nearby, often due to excess speed.
  • Hit-and-Run Accidents: The at-fault driver flees the crash scene.
  • Rideshare Accidents: The accident occurs in an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare vehicle.
  • Fatal Accidents: A car accident in which one or more drivers die from the impact.

How to Navigate the Complexities of Insurance Companies

Let’s be honest. Dealing with insurance companies when handling a car accident claim is a pain. From receiving lowball offers to experiencing unnecessary delays in the claims process, it starts to feel like insurance providers aren’t on your side.

Thankfully, Steinger, Greene & Feiner are on your side. Our car accident lawyers are here to help you navigate these challenges and more with years of expertise. Here are just a few of the ways we help our clients deal with insurance companies throughout the claims process.

  1. Communication: Your personal injury attorney will handle all communications and negotiations with your insurance company and the at-fault driver’s insurance company and attorney.
  1. Compensation: Our attorneys are committed to fighting for your rights in an effort to achieve justice and maximum financial compensation for injuries and damages sustained in the accident. You shouldn’t have to settle. We’ll help you get the compensation you deserve to cover the cost of medical bills, property damage, ongoing care, medication, lost wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish, disability, and more.
  1. Case Quality: From gathering evidence to knowing Texas vehicle and road laws like the back of our hand, we do whatever it takes to prove clear liability in your car accident case.

Key Principles in Texas

When it comes to determining liability in Texas car accident cases, there are a few key principles you should know. Take a look below to learn more.

Minimum Liability Coverage

Texas requires in-state drivers to hold auto insurance policies with minimum liability coverage. The purpose of minimum liability coverage is to financially protect the at-fault driver in an accident. Rather than having to pay out of pocket for the injured party’s accident-related losses—since Texas is an at-fault state—their insurance company will cover some or all of the damages.

At-Fault State

Texas is an at-fault state. This means that the at-fault driver—or the one who caused the accident—is responsible for the damages caused. Since Texas also requires in-state drivers to have minimum liability coverage, the at-fault driver’s insurance company foots the bill for the damages. In this case, the injured driver will file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company rather than their own.

Modified Comparative Negligence

Texas practices modified comparative negligence, which is a legal principle that determines how damages are awarded in auto accident cases where both parties involved share some degree of fault. Under this rule, each party’s contribution to the accident is evaluated, and damages are allocated accordingly. The amount of damages you’re responsible for increases or decreases proportionately with your percentage of fault. Texas follows a 51% bar rule, meaning the injured party can’t recover damages if their fault exceeds 51%.

Get Help From Steinger, Greene & Feiner Today

In the aftermath of a car accident, the last thing you should have to worry about is dealing with your insurance company. When you choose Steinger, Greene & Feiner to represent your personal injury case, we’ll handle the claims process from start to finish so you don’t have to. That way you can focus on what matters most, like your recovery. Our lawyers are equipped with the resources and expertise required to litigate with big insurance companies and secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to see how much your claim is worth.

Are you ready to pursue justice and financial compensation for your car accident case? Don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact Houston’s #1 car accident lawyer today to get your FREE case evaluation. The process is quick, easy, and confidential.