6,000 Thanksgiving Meals…

i heart my attorney final snip

Pumpkin Bread “Turkey”. Stuffing “Mashed Potatoes”. Green Beans Cranberry Sauce & Gravy”. And the tools to enjoy it all with”. 🙂 THIS was the assembly line and with a little musical stations, the 10 Steinger, Greene & Feiner “representatives” (ALL in Steinger, Greene & Feiner Tees OF COURSE!) were getting the meals assembled in record time, paying very close attention to portion control ie. Give’em more.

I am confident each one of OUR lives was ENRICHED by the food we were preparing for those in need throughout our community. Thanks to the preparation of 1,600 Turkeys over 3 days, 4000 volunteers over 10 days, and 5 Steinger, Greene & Feiner When You Need Us representatives, we were able to be a part of this incredible endeavor to distribute 70,000 meals tomorrow before 12noon! I will be there, again in my SIG tee Thursday morning, blessed to be a blessing.

Thank you to KELLY, KIM, BETH, and MARISSA whom I was so proud to stand beside at yesterday’s event!

6,000 Meals 12:30 – 5p is pretty impressive if I may say so! WAY TO BE Steinger, Greene & Feiner West Palm Beach!!!


And remember, if you need a car accident lawyer in West Palm Beach, give us a call so we can get you the compensation you deserve!

About the Author

Michael Steinger
Michael Steinger

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MICHAEL S. STEINGER, founding partner of Steinger, Greene & Feiner, believes in representing real people, not big businesses. Since the firm’s creation in 1997, Steinger, Greene & Feiner has never represented an insurance company or large corporation, and he vows to keep this promise. Over the course of his career, Michael has handled thousands of Florida accident cases, recovering millions of dollars for his clients and earning him membership into the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Staying up-to-date on the ever-evolving laws protecting injury victims and their families, Michael is an active member of the American Bar Association, the Palm Beach, and St. Lucie Bar Associations, and sits on the Auto Insurance Committee of the Florida Justice Association.